We are Able! project participants featured in Zero Hunger special

HomeWe are Able! project participants featured in Zero Hunger special

Participants in We are Able! projects in Uganda tell their personal stories in the autumn edition of Vice Versa Global Magazine: the Zero Hunger special.* In this special, Vice Versa Global highlights stories of how people in Africa embrace sustainable approaches that ensure availability of locally produced food.

From begger to farmer

Alfred Andima, participant in the We are Able (WaA) project in Uganda, abandoned street begging and overcame stereotyping that comes with being disabled. Today, he is a successful farmer. Alfred participated in the PIP (Plan Intégré du Paysan) process, a community awareness approach that facilitates farmer households in becoming actors of change.

They are empowered to believe in their capacities and make decisions related to food and income security. Alfred is now producing sufficient food for his family. “We also sell some and store the rest for the future. We even have some animals now,” he says proudly.

Land to cultivate

Jane Hayati is a 39-year old South Sudanese refugee in Uganda. Thanks to Ugandan landowner Jacob Anjo, who offered her a portion of his land to cultivate, she is now able to feed her children. She sells the surplus to pay for their education and to invest in her business.

Jane is not the only refugee who cultivates a plot of land that belongs to Jacob Anjo. As of now, over 50 households have benefited from this arrangement. To avoid conflicts, Anjo’s land was demarcated and he was issued a Certificate of Customary Ownership with help from ZOA, one of the consortium partners of We are Able!.


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