The intersection between Food Security and Climate Change

HomeThe intersection between Food Security and Climate Change

In the run up to the 28th conference of the parties to the International Climate Convention (COP28), there has been particular attention to the intersection between climate change and inclusive food security. In its advocacy strategy, We are Able! identified the high vulnerability of persons with disabilities in changing climatic conditions, such as droughts, floods and unpredictable rainfalls.

Therefore, the Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development (DCDD) organized a webinar in their ‘power of disability inclusion’- series that focused on the consequences of climate change for disability inclusive food security.


This topic was underlined in the campaign around International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). We are Able! will continue to collaborate with other Dutch NGOs in the Netherlands Food Partnership, and attended their NFP network briefing “Food Systems & Climate at COP 28”.

Earlier, We are Able! staff attended a consultation that was organized by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare for their efforts at the COP28. It is important that the We are Able! programme keeps advocating for disability inclusive climate action. For example, by making climate adaptation programmes inclusive for persons with disabilities and to enable persons with disabilities to engage in climate resilient agriculture.

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